Legal notice

Contact information


Adrian Nier
Huebnersplatz 7
90403 Nuremberg


+49 151 230 203 95


+49 3212 130 2529


legal at adriannier dot de

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Copyright (c) 2009-2011 by Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino and students of MA course of Visual design. Some rights reserved.

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This website is the property of Adrian Nier. This website is for information purposes only. The information and opinions disseminated on this website are subject to change at any time and without prior notice. You are therefore requested to look through this website again the next time you visit it and to note any changes / additions.


This website was created with the necessary care and to the best of Adrian Nier’s knowledge. However, Adrian Nier cannot guarantee that the information provided is free of errors and complete. Adrian Nier reserves the right to supplement this website at any time, to change or delete information or to discontinue publication temporarily or permanently.

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The entire content of the website is protected by copyright. Downloading or printing individual pages and/or parts of the website is permitted for private purposes, provided that neither the copyright notices nor other legally protected designations are removed. The complete or partial reproduction, modification, linking or use of this website for public or commercial purposes is prohibited without Adrian Nier’s prior written consent.

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Links to third party websites are offered as a courtesy. Adrian Nier does not express any opinion on the content of third-party websites and declines all responsibility for third-party information and its use. It is hereby expressly stated that at the time the link was created, no illegal content was discernible on the linked pages. Adrian Nier has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked / referenced sites. Adrian Nier therefore hereby expressly distances himself from all content of all linked pages that were changed after the link was created.

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Adrian Nier disclaims, without limitation, all liability for any loss or damage of any kind, including any direct, indirect or consequential damages, which might be incurred through the use of or access to this website, or any links to third-party websites. In addition, Adrian Nier declines all liability for manipulation of the Internet user’s computer system by unauthorised persons. The opening of emails of unknown origin and unexpected attachments to an email should be avoided as a matter of principle.